Time keeps flowing like a river
I've been having rough times lately, but for the moment I'm still with my son Joseph.
I didn't realise how long I've had this blog (just over two years), or how well it helps me date events in my life that would otherwise perish for lack of notability.
I feel more capable and confident as a musician, and still aspire to sing in an opera, as difficult as I realise that task is.
I've had a Slashdot account for almost five years, but never posted anything with it until late last year, and really started enjoying myself a few days ago. I recently made a first post with insubstantial comments in it that got modded up to +5, Insightful. Somebody replied and complained and I almost chimed in to gripe at the mods myself. I was honestly shooting for +2, Interesting. The trolls are also fun, as are people so possessed by their own naivete that they honestly support ideologies that one would normally assume only a troll would advocate.
My sister has a blog now - see Rachel's Art Land for the beginnings of what I hope is a good avenue for her artwork. The images on there now are somewhat tepid displays of her remarkable innate talent for illustration. I like her parchments and scrollwork the most, although she is capable of striking portraits. I hope she doesn't slack off on her weblog, as her professional goal is entirely artistic in nature and it would be a good start to career networking.
I'm still playing Dawn of War, which is up to its third incarnation thanks to the release of a second expansion in October. Command & Conquer 3 already has preorder boxes on the PC Games aisle at Best Buy, but I don't think I'll be interested in what EA has done to my beloved franchise. It's probably even worse than Generals was. I've been burned on the series ever since I spent four years waiting for Command & Conquer 2 to come out. Moderating the TiberiumSun.com WWWBoard for Felix was the first experience I had with internet responsibility, and for being the tender age of 13 I think I pulled it off fairly well. I remember a few personalities from that community, most particularly Ramrac and Anrkst.
I think I'll sign off today with a comment about one of my Christmas presents - a Logitech steering wheel with gas and brake pedals. I've always loved racing games, starting with HiOctane and Big Red Racing in DOS Land, and moving up to the Need for Speed series for PC. All 2D racing games suck. I recently purchased several racing games, including Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, CRC 2005, FlatOut 2, Xpand Rally, and Crash Day, but never owned a steering wheel or played a racing game with one until last week. It improved my enjoyment of these games immensely and I daresay if they made a good clutch pedal and stick shift arrangement and a racing game that worked with it I would be totally immersed.
I didn't realise how long I've had this blog (just over two years), or how well it helps me date events in my life that would otherwise perish for lack of notability.
I feel more capable and confident as a musician, and still aspire to sing in an opera, as difficult as I realise that task is.
I've had a Slashdot account for almost five years, but never posted anything with it until late last year, and really started enjoying myself a few days ago. I recently made a first post with insubstantial comments in it that got modded up to +5, Insightful. Somebody replied and complained and I almost chimed in to gripe at the mods myself. I was honestly shooting for +2, Interesting. The trolls are also fun, as are people so possessed by their own naivete that they honestly support ideologies that one would normally assume only a troll would advocate.
My sister has a blog now - see Rachel's Art Land for the beginnings of what I hope is a good avenue for her artwork. The images on there now are somewhat tepid displays of her remarkable innate talent for illustration. I like her parchments and scrollwork the most, although she is capable of striking portraits. I hope she doesn't slack off on her weblog, as her professional goal is entirely artistic in nature and it would be a good start to career networking.
I'm still playing Dawn of War, which is up to its third incarnation thanks to the release of a second expansion in October. Command & Conquer 3 already has preorder boxes on the PC Games aisle at Best Buy, but I don't think I'll be interested in what EA has done to my beloved franchise. It's probably even worse than Generals was. I've been burned on the series ever since I spent four years waiting for Command & Conquer 2 to come out. Moderating the TiberiumSun.com WWWBoard for Felix was the first experience I had with internet responsibility, and for being the tender age of 13 I think I pulled it off fairly well. I remember a few personalities from that community, most particularly Ramrac and Anrkst.
I think I'll sign off today with a comment about one of my Christmas presents - a Logitech steering wheel with gas and brake pedals. I've always loved racing games, starting with HiOctane and Big Red Racing in DOS Land, and moving up to the Need for Speed series for PC. All 2D racing games suck. I recently purchased several racing games, including Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, CRC 2005, FlatOut 2, Xpand Rally, and Crash Day, but never owned a steering wheel or played a racing game with one until last week. It improved my enjoyment of these games immensely and I daresay if they made a good clutch pedal and stick shift arrangement and a racing game that worked with it I would be totally immersed.